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Case study

Towing light air planes

Towing light aircraft around an airport or aerodrome

Most airports use massive, heavy-duty ride-on tugs to move large aircraft weighing up to 228 tonnes. These custom-designed machines are specified by the aviation industry.

However, smaller aircrafts such as RVs that only weigh 600 kg (like the one pictured) do not have the same attach points as their “big brother” airbuses, and therefore cannot be moved in the same way. Basically if you want to move a light aircraft, you are going to have to call a pilot to drive it from A to B. Some workplaces will push them by hand, which significantly increases the chance of injury and potential damage to someone’s privately owned aircraft. 

So, what if a pilot is not available?

Electrodrive's Tug Evo towing a large trolley through an airport
Electrodrive's Tug Axis towing a large trolley through an airport
Electrodrive's Tug Classic towing a light plane
Tug Axis towing an airline cart
Electrodrive's Tug Classic towing a light aircraft
Tug Axis towing light aircraft

A single operator can move light aircraft using a powered tug

To improve safety, productivity and efficiency in ground-level operations, Electrodrive’s powered tug, the Tug Axis was commissioned to allow one staff member to tow the whole aircraft in and out of hangers. The unique tiller handle design allows for smooth-and-assisted towing. The extra-long tow arm means the user is standing further back from the aircraft, allowing a clear line of forward sight. This is essential for parking and manoeuvring aircraft inside hangers.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Reduced risk of push/pull injuries associated with manual handling.

  • Reduced process time for moving light aircraft.

  • Minimal training and no license required, enabling any staff can move aircraft. This is ideal for an airport where ground-staff are rotated in teams but do the same type of work.

View the Powered Tug range

The Powered Tug range

Electrodrive helping the aviation industry

Case study

Helping the aviation industry

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